Basic Info

Start of the new server - x50 will be the 13th of December at 19:30 (UTC+2)
🌟Main Information
Server version: 97k + Customs
Server exp rate: 50x (VIP: +50%, Exp Scroll: +50%)
Server drop rate: 50% (VIP: 60%)
Classes: DW | DK | ELF | MG
The server is divided into 6 stages, each lasting 2 months. At the end of each stage, a grand reset will be unlocked, and a Hall of Fame event will take place.
Max Excellent Option: 3
Reset level: 400
Max Reset: 100
Max Grand Resets: 5
Points per level: DW 5 | DK 5 | ELF 5 | MG 7
Points per reset: DW 300 | DK 300 | ELF 300 | MG 350
Zen for reset: 20mil x reset number
Max stat value: 32767
Max Game Client windows: 3
[F9] - Enable/Disable auto clicker
[F10] - 3D Camera Enable/Disable
[F12] - Minimize game window
[Tab] - mini map
[M] - Open movement menu
[J] - Open resource bank
[Z] - Open command menu
[H] - Open events timer
[CTRL+RCLICK] - Hold the LEFT CTRL key and right click mouse button on the item in inventory to send a message in post to sell this item.
[SHIFT+RCLICK] - Hold the LEFT SHIFT key and right click mouse button on the resource in inventory to deposit in the resource bank.
[/str, /agi, /vit, /ene] - Add points without the need to switch character
[/reset or click Reset button in interface] - Restart character levels
[/grandreset] - Reset character resets
[/pkclear] - Clear character kills without the need to switch characters
[/clearinv] - Clear character inventory (without equipped items)
[/movetoquest] - Move to map and coordinates where you need to complete a quest from the custom quest system
[/questinfo] - Give you information about your current quest
[/becomepk] - Add 3 kills to a character
[/resstats] - Reset character stats
[/changeclass sm, bk, me, mg] - Change character class
[/w] - Open warehouse everywhere
[/decstr, /decagi, /decvit, /decene] - Decrease points without the need to switch character
[/buyvip 7, 14, 31] - Buy a VIP subscription
[/pick jewels, box1, box2] - Auto pickup Zen, Jewels and expensive boxes from the ground
[/attack] - Automatick attack [/offattack] - Offline level up
[/re off, on, auto pass] - Off: decline all requests, On: Accept all requests, Auto: Accept automatically all requests. If you write pass (Example: /re auto 1234) only requests with pass can be accepted (Example: /party 1234)/
Party bonus percentage:
Normal party: 2-5 Blade Knights, 2-5 Soul Masters, 2-5 Muse Elfs or 2-5 Magic Gladiators:
- 2 characters in party: +5% bonus experience
- 3 characters in party: +10% bonus experience
- 4 characters in party: +15% bonus experience
- 5 characters in party: +20% bonus experience
Bonus party: Party needs to contain a minimum of 3 players from different classes.
- 3 characters in party: +15% bonus experience
- 4 characters in party: +20% bonus experience
- 5 characters in party: +25% bonus experience
Roadmap of stages
# | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 | Stage 6 |
Stage Begining | 13th December | 13th February | 13th April | 13th June | 13th August | 13th Octomber |
Max. Reset | 100 Resets | 100 Resets | 100 Resets | 100 Resets | 100 Resets | 100 Resets |
Max Grand Reset | - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Experience | Reset 0-100 = x50 | Reset 0-100 = x100 Grand Reset 1 = x50 |
Reset 0-100 = x150 Grand Reset 1 = x100 Grand Reset 2 = x50 |
Reset 0-100 = x200 Grand Reset 1 = x150 Grand Reset 2 = x100 Grand Reset 3 = x50 |
Reset 0-100 = x250 Grand Reset 1 = x200 Grand Reset 2 = x150 Grand Reset 3 = x100 Grand Reset 4 = x50 |
Reset 0-100 = x300 Grand Reset 1 = x250 Grand Reset 2 = x200 Grand Reset 3 = x150 Grand Reset 4 = x100 Grand Reset 5 = x50 |